How This "Simple Fizzy Juice” Restored My Figure When Nothing Else Did...

I'm 65, 5'6" and I'm a slim 152... After Years Of Being At 237!

Hello! I'm Jennifer I have been married for 32 years and am grateful for my two amazing children and three beautiful grandchildren. 

Recently, I have discovered a little-known discovery to feel like my younger self again.

 When I think back on my 20s and 30s, I remember.

 ✅I had abundant energy

✅A slender figure 

✅The ability to eat whatever I wanted without gaining  weight

✅Staying in shape with minimal exercise

✅Feeling self-assured and at ease in fitted clothing


However, in my early 40s, everything changed...

After my pregnancies and then as I hit my 40s, I noticed that my once slender and small body had started to accumulate weight in unwanted areas.

My metabolism had significantly slowed down, and my overall health had begun to deteriorate. I often felt very low on energy throughout the day and would go to bed early. 

Many times I would sleep for up to 12 hours, only to wake up feeling exhausted the next day! 

I knew something was wrong, but I didn't realize how terrible it was until my husband and I went to visit our grandchildren for Christmas in Oregon last year. 

I was playing and running around with the kids, it was my first time seeing them in person, and I was so happy to be with them. But, I soon realized I was constantly out of breath, and my joints ached like never before (I hadn't run around and moved that fast in a while, probably years)

Later on that day, I stepped on a bathroom scale  out of curiosity since I didn't have one at home

The number read 237! 

I thought the scale must be off, but after several tries, I realized it was me who had the problem all along. No wonder I was having joint and breathing issues running after the kids!

I looked at myself in the mirror in shock and deep embarrassment that I had let myself go

I used to be very cautious about my health, but somehow, between two pregnancies and a full-time job, I lost sight of myself and my well-being over the years.

 I made the decision to take charge of my health and regain control over my weight as soon as I got home...

I Was Ready to Rediscover My True Self Underneath it All.

As soon as I got home I started a walking regimen to better my health.

But, I immediately discovered that the additional weight I was carrying was too much for my joints to support again, and I was winded in the first few steps!

So I tried a smoothie and juice detox diet.

This seemed to be successful at first.

But the detox made me feel overly hungry, which triggered nighttime binge eating and eventually set back my efforts, and I was back to where I had started

I even tried some unusual home remedies…

The worker at my neighborhood health food store gave me a list of concoctions to try that included lemon juice, pickle juice, apple cider vinegar, lemons, bananas, cranberries, and more.

And yes, embarrassingly, I have to admit that I've tried sleeping with a raw onion in my socks with foot detox pads. 

None of these treatments were  successful and I continued to struggle to restore my health and my previous young feeling self

Then, as my next attempt, I tried the keto diet; while it provided some delicious foods, I began to miss bread, especially bagels❤️.

I also tried the paleo diet, tracking calories, and even went vegan for a month, but nothing seemed to make a difference with my weight.

I even scheduled a visit with my doctor for a check-up because I started to question if there was something wrong with me internally.

A Chance Encounter Changed My Life...

My fate was changed, though, thanks to Sara, one of the waitresses at my favorite restaurant. I hadn't seen her in a few months, and at first, I didn't recognize her because she looked so much slimmer and more beautiful than before in her form-fitting clothing... She looked amazing!

She no longer resembled the Sara I once knew. Even though it seemed a little strange for me to ask, I was too interested in learning her secret.

She told me about an informational video that her Doctor recommended that really helped her

She said that she came to the conclusion after watching the video that  her weight loss had nothing to do with: 

✅How hard she tried to refrain from eating my favorite foods.

✅How often she got cardiovascular exercise

✅How much sugar or carbohydrates she consumed

 She said there are several factors to consider, including the thyroid, hormones, metabolism, and even DNA.

Although this approach might appear a little unusual, her doctor said Ivy League scientific studies back it up.

I thought Sara was going to recommend using a certain vitamin or drug.

Instead, she excitedly told me about the wonderful advantages and benefits of this discovery:

 ✅ It worked extremely quickly 

 ✅ I didn't have to alter my food or workout routine.

 ✅Additionally, and to me, the most important, it's easy, simple, and quick to prepare!

Sara shared that video link with me that had this profound effect on her life and that her doctor had been raving about.

I thought I had nothing to lose after attempting a number of diets without any discernible success.  So, I watched the video, nevertheless...

I got out my phone in the parking lot because I was so curious and excited to learn more about this peculiar Fizzy Juice Ritual after hearing her rave about it.

...and my jaw hit the floor when I saw it!

Numerous men and women have already started using this morning routine to lose inches and get in shape.

... and despite my initial skepticism, I just couldn't ignore what was in front of me...

Although I had some skepticism, my heart was telling me that this was the solution I had been seeking my entire life.

So I made the decision to go with my gut and give it a shot.

99% Have Never Heard Of This "Fix"

I have been using this "Fizzy Juice" Fix for over six months, and I am VERY HAPPY with its results.

I almost immediately saw changes, just as Sara and her doctor had said.

Only after a few days, the numbers on the scale began to go down, and they have been going down ever since!

No more yo-yo-ing back and forth with my weight anymore!

As I continue to lose weight, I have been able to replace a portion of my wardrobe every other week.

I sometimes find myself shopping in the women's petite section now rather than the plus size section, and I still find it hard to accept!

My changes have even been noticed by my husband, and he complements me almost every day.

And let's just say there's a fresh new "spark" in our relationship.❤️❤️

And he has started this Fizzy Juice Fix as well since I am experiencing such incredible results.

Yes, it also benefits men as well 
And  there are so many more amazing "side-effects" besides the weight loss:

​✅My energy level has increased dramatically. At 65 years old, I feel like I'm 30 again!

✅No more cravings for snacks throughout the day because I feel satisfied after every meal.

✅ Despite eating more of my favorite treats like homemade pies and cheesecakes, I don't feel guilty because of the positive effects on my health.

✅ Surprisingly, my blood sugar levels have improved, even though I am consuming more sweets!

✅​ My sleep quality has greatly improved, and I wake up feeling rejuvenated, full of energy, and ready for the day.

I'm So Thankful I Followed My Heart... And Not My Head

I could have easily ignored Sara's advice to try this unusual morning ritual, but I made the decision to put my doubts aside and give it a go.

I feel like my TRUE SELF again as a result of this, and I have faith in my continued good health

I'm so grateful I ran into Sara that night...and I'm so glad I took the time and had the opportunity to watch the video she suggested so that I could learn more about this "Juice Method"  

Who would have imagined?

Since people are always asking me about my "secret" because the improvements came around so quickly.

I've included the link below to the video that Sara suggested.

If it's STILL online, that is...

I was informed that some renowned pharmaceutical corporations are attempting to restrict the public from seeing this video by filing legal actions, which are still pending.

It would be a good idea to click the link immediately and view the video right away to ensure that you get the opportunity to learn more about the Simple Juice routine

I can assure you that you won't regret it.

Everyone can do it if I can!

Community Blog Comments

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midwestmommy603 2w
Thanks for this! I feel like it's coming to me at just the right moment.
👍🏻 23 💬 7 🔗 3
HannaBrown348 5d
This is so motivating. Starting my Journey today! Thanks for the motivation!
👍🏻 34 💬 1 🔗 1
LisaMurakowski 5d
Well done Vickie! You look awesome!!
👍🏻 5 💬 1 🔗 2
AmeliaByrne3993 5d
Wow, you lost the weight awesome! You look great! I just know what joint pain feels like and wish no one else would have to experience that pain!
👍🏻 29 💬 10 🔗 7
Lillylopez63 3d
I did this and ended up losing 7lbs so far!
👍🏻 59 💬 20 🔗 9
Samanthawhit 2d
Perfect video, just what I needed, thank you so much 🙏❤️
👍🏻 29💬 5 🔗 18
AshleyBrown79 5d
You look so healthy and glowing. Love this video!
👍🏻 56💬 5 🔗 11
CourtneyH367 4d
I opened the video. I accidentally clicked on it, I was not going to watch it but what caught my attention. Love it, Great information
👍🏻 14💬 5 🔗 5

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